
What is Data Integration ?

The concept of middleware is evolving towards the notion of an exchange platform.

It’s no longer just about circulating data but about sharing it across various use cases within each business unit. 

Facilitated communication within a global integration ecosystem.

Increased operational agility and reduced development costs.

An essential flexibility to adapt to technological advancements.

The complexity of data life cycles has given rise to the concept of a pipeline. This concept is not limited to a succession of steps but involves aggregating various sources followed by data preparation. These data must then be made available to business users for analysis and services, promoting new ways of working inspired by the Data Mesh approach. 

In this context, more and more companies are opting to streamline their data exchanges by choosing a single exchange platform solution with two goals: 

The complexity of data life cycles has given rise to the concept of a pipeline. This concept is not limited to a succession of steps but involves aggregating various sources followed by data preparation. These data must then be made available to business users for analysis and services, promoting new ways of working inspired by the Data Mesh approach. 

In this context, more and more companies are opting to streamline their data exchanges by choosing a single exchange platform solution with two goals: 


The desire to consider data as essential products of the company requires mastering the processes that ensure the proper emission, sharing, and reception of data. 

The growing number of applications requires technological flexibility to build easy-to-implement and scalable interfaces. Here are some changes in the way data is exchanged and shared, depending on the company’s context: 


The desire to consider data as essential products of the company requires mastering the processes that ensure the proper emission, sharing, and reception of data. 

The growing number of applications requires technological flexibility to build easy-to-implement and scalable interfaces. Here are some changes in the way data is exchanged and shared, depending on the company’s context: 

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Batch Mode Exchanges

Companies often have a large number of batch mode data flows managed via ETL (Extract, Transform, Load). Evolving practices present various challenges that push companies to update these interfaces: 

ETL tools are evolving and addressing these challenges to varying degrees, with some becoming closer to iPaaS.

However, ETL systems often remain separate tools from an exchange platform. They retain their appeal due to several technological advancements: 

ETL tools also offer advantages in terms of simplicity when handling simple or complex transformations within the interface between two applications, especially when immediate availability is not a priority. 

In practice, companies often use different ETL systems due to historical reasons. Streamlining around a single solution presents many benefits, as long as the right shared solution is chosen and quick migration paths are pursued. The ease of implementation (Low-code / No-code) becomes even more crucial in this context. 


APIs provide synchronous but also standardized communication for service and application integration. The simplification is closely tied to stateless HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. 

REST APIs are often preferred for their simplicity, but in a complex and large-scale environment, GraphQL APIs offer more flexibility and finer-grained data access, thus contributing to better performance. 

APIs are particularly suitable for large-scale queries on a dataset, such as from a digital front end or a mobile service. They are also the primary means of interoperation between microservices in a distributed system. 

For exchanges between a sender and a receiver, messaging offers the flexibility of decoupled interactions, ensuring the correct order of message delivery and making asynchronous exchanges more reliable. Unlike the synchronous nature of APIs, messaging provides such short latency that it meets virtually all real-time requirements. It is also suitable for moving data within pipelines. 

In a streamlining approach, messaging enables the Publish-Subscribe (Pub/Sub) model: messages are published to a Topic and consumed by multiple subscribers interested in all or part of the information, ensuring distributed and personalized communication. 

Combining APIs and messaging systems allows you to benefit from both synchronous and asynchronous communication advantages: 


iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) has emerged with hybrid architectures (On-premise, Cloud, and SaaS) to ensure connectivity between these different environments. 

They also introduce other paradigms for evolving data exchanges: 

Ultimately, iPaaS offers cost-effective synchronization: investing in infrastructure, implementation, and maintenance. They allow for resource pooling while reducing Time to Market. 

The return of ELT

The advent of Cloud technologies has enabled the widespread adoption of massive and flexible storage solutions with great horizontal scalability and considerable computing power (e.g., Snowflake or Databricks). For large-scale ingestion into such solutions, the computational power required for processing (T) logically leads to loading the data first and then pushing down the processing into the platform, rather than into the middleware (ETL logic). This is, in a way, the return of ELT (Extract, Load, Transform). 

It’s also worth noting that the Extract/Load approach is better suited to massive parallelization, even with simple rules for incoming data. 

This evolution originated in the Big Data universe, where data is often ingested en masse in its raw format into Data Lakes such as Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake Storage, and Google Cloud Storage. 

Other use cases also require large-scale ingestion, such as database replication, AI workflows, or cloud migrations.