Using low code in the data pipeline

In what context is the use of low-code relevant? Low-code (and even no-code) platforms promise faster time-to-market for deploying new applications. This promise is especially valuable as the company’s IT ecosystem must cover an increasing number of areas, in line with the digitization of functions. However, this ‘model’ sometimes irritates certain IT experts who view […]
Data Quality

Data has become an asset, and its quality is at the heart of business performance. Data is tied to two closely interrelated issues: Operational optimization: freeing up internal stakeholders’ time and ensuring the reliability of what is exposed on digital fronts. Mastering information: enabling data experts to leverage data, particularly within analyses and business indicators. […]
C of Customer Data Platform

The name “Customer Data Platform” literally means a platform dedicated to the field of customer data. At a time when many companies are adopting enterprise data platforms, what is the connection between the CDP and this ‘Data platform’? Is the CDP simply a “pipeline” of the enterprise platform dedicated to customer data, or a platform […]
Data Mesh Concept

“Data Mesh” has become a buzzword. It aims to empower business units to activate their data. Is it an organization focused on the democratization of practices or a new technological revolution? To clarify, we’ll distinguish between data common to the company and data specific to a business unit. For example, a customer is relevant to […]
The 4 typical features of Master Data Management

MASTER DATA MANAGEMENT, WHAT IS IT? MDM (Master Data Management) is a packaged solution that adds value to the scope of reference data. It impacts organization and practices to leverage data as a driver of digital transformation. This value is achieved through several typical functionalities, which can be grouped under the following objectives: Download the […]
PIM or PMDM : two different solutions?

WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES? PIM (Product Information Management) and PMDM (Product Master Data Management) are solutions designed to build and manage a company’s product catalog. Needs differ depending on whether you are a distributor or a manufacturer of your own products. In the first case, we’ll refer to it as PIM, and in the second […]
What is a data pipeline?

QUELLES SONT LEURS DIFFÉRENCES ? Digital transformation means coordinating tasks within an integrated application ecosystem. These tasks are often cross-functional and fall outside the scope of a clearly defined business solution. In this context, managing the flow of data to turn it into information is crucial. The solution is known as a Data Pipeline: moving […]
Product Information Management : Feedback

Notre expert nous explique pourquoi un Product Information Management est essentiel pour votre activité.