Exclusive interview with Laurent Biot
– Data Gouvernance Manager –

👉🏼 Go behind the scenes of Manitou’s MDM Clients – B2B project.
📌Manitou Group, a French company committed to societal and environmental issues, is the global reference for handling, lifting, and earthmoving.
The company designs, produces, and distributes handling, lifting, and earthmoving equipment and services mainly for the industrial, agricultural, and construction sectors. Their primary mission is to contribute to improving working conditions and safety worldwide while preserving the environment and humanity. Here are some figures about Manitou Group:
- 34 companies worldwide
- Presence in over 140 countries
- 5000 employees worldwide
- Customized products and services to optimize the use of their machines.
📌 In 2022, Manitou Group launched a call for tenders to implement a B2B Customer Repository to homogenize the management of data from each company in the group. Master Data Management is the foundational tool of this repository.
Business challenges :
- Transition from very heterogeneous customer processes and definitions in subsidiaries to unified management
- Improve quality and create a unique multi-subsidiary customer
- Define an organization between the different subsidiaries and businesses and a centralized governance team.
IT challenges :
- Determine the role of MDM in the IT architecture, define what is and is not a reference
- Ensure quality and create a unique multi-subsidiary customer
- Migrate data from very heterogenous models. Build an information system trajectory.
The STEP solution from Stibo System was chosen as the technological foundation for this repository.
👉🏼 Discover the results obtained by implementing such a solution through this testimonial.
What is Master Data Management?
Master Data Management is a solution that centralizes all customer information, allowing the company to govern its data with a 360° view.
This solution offers many benefits for customer relations: it simplifies the data flow and ensures the uniqueness of customer information, leading to increased productivity and speed.