"This is a true framing work, which you can carry out alone or with our support, to benefit from our experience and expertise.."
Olivier de Compiègne, Consulting Director - Arhis
10 minutes
Best Practices
Use Cases
In this white paper, Arhis supports you to guide you through the initial framing phases of your PIM project.
You will find:
The questions to ask yourself to understand a PIM project
The relevant checklists for this type of project
The different technical and organizational
constraints to consider
Expert advice
Arhis has over 150 consultants working on MDM, PIM, Data Quality, Data Integration, Customer Data Platform, and more generally Data Hub projects.
In a few years, they have become a key player in the data market from its collection to its exposure, including its structuring: transformation, consolidation, cataloging, segmentation… all at the service of business and digital applications.
Arhis’ strength is to offer a unified structure that knows how to adapt to the context and challenges of its clients according to their size, existing systems, ambitions, and priorities.
Arhis in few figures :
- 20 years of experience
- More than 70 projets de hub de données en production
- + 85% of the projects are also maintained by Arhis
- A strong partnership strategy based on current technologies and the most suitable methodologies.
ARHIS en quelques chiffres :
Une stratégie de partenariat forte basée sur les technologies du moment et les méthodologies les plus adaptées.
- 20 years of experience
- More than 70 data hub projects in production.
- + 85% of the projects are maintained by Arhis
- A strong partnership strategy based on current technologies and the most suitable methodologies.
Informatica et Arhis sont des partenaires privilégiés depuis plus de 10 ans.
Arhis est régulièrement récompensé pour la qualité de ses projets, l’innovation mise en place et l’implication de ses ressources.
Dernières distinctions :
- Partenaire Elite 2018 en France, Espagne et Suisse
- Prix de l’innovation MDM 2017 pour son architecture innovante 24/7 en temps réel pour le groupe Les Mousquetaires (STIME)