
What is Master Data Management (MDM)?

A Master Data Management (MDM) solution enables you to govern your reference data across different domains: customers, products, structures, employees, classifications, and other value lists.

A holistic and personalized view of your data.

Data connected to all your sources and available everywhere.

Reliable data: Quality, traceability, security, compliance.

Why Reference Data?

As data has become a central asset for businesses, reference data contributes to the overall governance of data by providing a glossary and, more importantly, a view of the company’s activities.

How can we work together if we don’t share the same vocabulary or definitions?
How can we manage or develop a business scope without mastering the objects, relationships, and hierarchies involved?
How can we feed indicators if the attributes they consist of are not the most reliable (mix of recent and valid information)?

The benefits of an MDM solution are numerous:

Why Reference Data?

As data has become a central asset for businesses, reference data contributes to the overall governance of data by providing a glossary and, more importantly, a view of the company’s activities.

How can we work together if we don’t share the same vocabulary or definitions?
How can we manage or develop a business scope without mastering the objects, relationships, and hierarchies involved?
How can we feed indicators if the attributes they consist of are not the most reliable (mix of recent and valid information)?

The benefits of an MDM solution are numerous:

The benefits, primarily qualitative, align with strategic ambitions:

MDM allows for a “Golden Record” vision of reference objects.

This “Golden” vision remains linked to source data and ensures traceability of transformations.

MDM Changes the Game

As a single point of truth, it provides a consolidated 360° view via a fully customizable data model. It automates the integration of heterogeneous sources, ensures the required quality through advanced deduplication mechanisms and complex management rules.

It replaces cumbersome and unreliable manual procedures with simple and secure workflows.

Why choose a Master Data Management (MDM) solution?

Discover our MDM client testimonials!


Clients and other partners

Get a 360° view of all your contacts: customers, prospects, suppliers, and partners, in a model tailored to your business. The contact present in multiple applications becomes unique and shared, with personal data improved in quality according to the most accurate and complete version.

Reference Data

Your metadata and value lists, such as entities and codifications, form a company-wide reference system, to be used by everyone regardless of their business applications. This MDM allows you to standardize the labels of your reference data, centralize its governance, and then provide these values to all the applications in the IT system.


Manage a consolidated and quality view of your employees regardless of their positioning, according to your organizational, legal, and geographical axes...

This view is propagated during the hiring or promotion of a new employee, eliminating duplicates. You can also identify if they are a client, partner, etc.


Link the various structures of the company in a single model: organizational, managerial, legal, geographical, and financial. Obtain a unique common source of truth essential for the strategic management of the company.

Finance and Management

Visualize your management structures: budgets, business units, etc., and consolidate the associated services and contracts to enable a data-driven view of your operations. Link these elements to other reference data to understand which commitments are made with which clients and for what profitability.

Products / Infrastructure

With MDM, your products or services are no longer just data from your transactions. They are unified in a model and hierarchies, connected to your suppliers, customers, and service providers. The same applies to your infrastructure. With everything brought together, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your operations and can drive its development.
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Modeling your business domain in MDM allows you to express your vision while freeing yourself from the operational models of your business applications. You are free to define your objects and their attributes, relationships, and even hierarchies. There are no constraints on missing fields or limited cardinalities: you can create your own attributes that consolidate those from source data or are added as calculated indicators.

Modeling can range from the simplest to the most complex: B2C and B2B customer data, GDPR consents, products, insurance policies, business organizations, assets, and complex equipment architectures, etc.

A Business Analyst will assist you in translating the vision of your business representatives into expert modeling. This modeling should align with the data from your sources in a mapping and according to any potential transcoding rules.

In the end, a true operational catalog of your use cases emerges and integrates into your IT ecosystem.

La déduplication ou l'art du match & merge (rapprochement et fusion)

In the face of the proliferation of business applications with more or less competing scopes, the challenge is to establish the “Single Point of Truth.” The complexity of this operation on your business data is greater than it may initially seem.

It is necessary to successively apply two types of rules: matching (or rapprochement), which identifies whether there are indeed duplicates, and then merging (or fusion), which defines which values should be retained.

First, these rules only work effectively if the data has sufficient quality; thus, the effort to ensure quality (validation, normalization, or even enrichment) must precede the application of these rules. The output results should only be positive if sufficient quality is clearly established.

Next, these rules must apply throughout the data lifecycle, meaning they should be followed during the creation and updating of data and their values. This is a complex process, where the requirement for continuous flow is increasingly important, necessitating well-established, efficient processes that remain aligned with business expectations regarding data retrieval.


The 360° view goes beyond the notion of a “Single Point of Truth.” Once the uniqueness of an object is established and the selection of the best value for each of its attributes is completed, the 360° view emerges from the modeling defined in the reference framework.

Each object is enriched to the maximum with internal and even external information (via data providers), then related to other objects in the model and finally fixed within one or more hierarchies. This allows for visualizing a customer’s profile with their affiliations, preferences, importance, and status, or even their relationships within a household or tribe.

This vision, provided by MDM, should be complemented within a Data Platform with transactional, behavioral, event-driven, statistical data, etc., of that object. The management of identifiers (Golden Record and matches with source identifiers) within MDM allows for aggregating all this data in the platform and thus provides a new 360° view, meeting operational objectives, such as customer engagement, relationships with a client, supplier, or employee, data publication (open data, marketplace, etc.), etc.


Choosing MDM means opting for a solution that provides the processes necessary for data governance. However, this should also allow for manual entries or adjustments if needed.

This could involve granting write access to various services that will initiate or enrich data, particularly within workflows. These services may belong to very separate organizations or be located globally.

It may also follow a Data Stewardship logic, aimed at contributing to governance: validation workflows, interventions following customer complaints, etc.

In any case, it is essential to relate human effort to the importance of the data or the objects they represent: customers, infrastructures, financial scores, regulatory constraints, etc., and focus on what has the most value (VIP customers, strategic assets, etc.).

Again, a dialogue between an experienced Business Analyst and business representatives is the best practice for defining processes according to the objectives to be achieved.