
Product MDM and Product Information Management?

PIM is a solution that covers the entire lifecycle of product data, from product acquisition and the implementation of a corporate catalog to sharing that catalog.

A holistic and personalized view of your data.

Data connected to all your sources and available everywhere.

Reliable data: Quality, traceability, security, compliance.

The implementation of a dedicated product catalog solution has become essential for various reasons:

In terms of benefits for the company, PIM offers more touchpoints and a more personalized relationship, thereby contributing to increased conversion rates, improved customer satisfaction, and staying ahead of the competition.

The implementation of a dedicated product catalog solution has become essential for various reasons:

In terms of benefits for the company, PIM offers more touchpoints and a more personalized relationship, thereby contributing to increased conversion rates, improved customer satisfaction, and staying ahead of the competition.

Product Repository and PIM

PIM has, in a way, transcended the simple notion of a product repository to become a true business application. It leverages the strengths of repositories: modeling, hierarchies, collaborative work, catalog versioning, import and export in various formats, while offering more specific functionalities:

PMDM : Product Master Data Management

If your business primarily involves selling the products you manufacture, we will refer to PMDM:

It ensures a significant reduction in the time dedicated to generating your product catalog while maintaining the quality of the associated data:

Product Information Management

If your business focuses on distributing products through all possible channels, you will need a PIM:

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From now on, each product is connected with ESG information and/or score (Environmental, Social, and Governance). The PIM is the solution for integrating this new information axis. It allows for modeling and collaborative processing:

DAM : Digital Asset Management

The quality of product presentation is often crucial for online buyers.

That’s why product media is a significant concern: ensuring the consistency of formats, previews, and links with descriptions to provide a homogeneous and optimal customer experience.

PIM solutions often include an integrated DAM. The question of whether to use it or choose a specialized tool arises, depending on expectations regarding the DAM for other potential use cases, as well as the complexity of integrating an external solution with the PIM.


PLM is a product lifecycle management solution often deployed in manufacturing companies. PIM, on the other hand, manages product information.

The boundary between the two is not always clear. Can an advanced PIM be sufficient for some companies? Here are some features to consider if you want to streamline your product management around a PIM:


The proliferation of sales channels can be internal (different brands, countries, regions, etc.) or external (stores, e-commerce, marketplaces, etc.).

The catalog must be adapted to these different channels; this is the purpose of syndication. Once again, it is about automating flows and controlling the quality of data:

Some vendors offer syndication modules that include building catalogs tailored to each channel: custom and reusable transformations and mappings for new catalogs.

Supplier Portal

The PIM allows for the transition from multiple supplier catalogs to a unified corporate catalog. However, it is essential to integrate these supplier catalogs in a qualitative and as automated a manner as possible.

The Supplier Portal is the key element that enables the management of data coming from suppliers:

Beyond the portal, some vendors offer modules that provide a space and processes for suppliers to map their models to yours. This is beneficial for you and also saves time for suppliers in managing their future catalogs.